What a former student thinks about their institute is the single most valuable source of information for a potential student. A review from alumni can contain personal experiences and realisations alongside the technical aspects of an institute. For someone going through a decision-making process regarding the right institute to study in, a review by a former student can resolve the confusion like it was never there.

Knowing what’s reliable
Reviews written by valid and real individuals are the only considerable ones. The reviewer of the review should be traceable. The truthfulness of their statement(s) should be verifiable. Reviews biased in favour or against are the ones to reject first. A review should be unbiased and user experience based. A review from someone without a profile picture or social media links are untraceable in nature hence, unreliable.

What to expect?
A comprehensive and detailed review by a former student might share his or her experiences during their tenure, The problems they faced, how much help they got while solving them etc. A good review by alumni can provide insights into many real-world experiences beforehand. It is fair to expect that a good review can definitely help while choosing an institute. the availability of reviews by students on public domains demonstrates the boldness and confidence of the institute.

Where to look?
Availability of student reviews on public domains and social media depends on the institutions stand and policy. If there is something to hide or undermine many institutes tend to publish fewer reviews for the public. Clearly, the quantitative aspect matters in case of students’ reviews. A review on the institute website by a student is a show of gratitude, a mare recognition on behalf of the student. That never means that a website full of only good reviews is a trusted source of information. What matters in this regard is the willingness of the institute to display both the good and the bad side. Good intentions of helping the potential candidate to choose the right institute. It is always to look for reviews hosted by those institutes.

How to get them?
Looking in the right place is the key to success in understanding and deciphering a review. Tending to trust reviews by people with actual profiles and good records always help. The person posting a review should have a valid profile with links to other social networking websites. Other activities of the user must get a wise judgement before trust is placed. And if there is an allowance to talk in person regarding an institute with a former student, is a better deal at any given moment.

A very interesting institute to look for is Analytixlabs. It is a data science institute boldly displaying reviews by former students on their website. A search with Analytixlabs student reviews leads to a page full of reviews by real people, most of them have already tasted success and their success stories are available in social media. A potential student can, however, approach them for better knowledge about the institute. This is quite an exemplary feat on the institute’s behalf.