Elder abuse is a term that is associated with a single or repeated act that causes physical harm or mental suffering to an older person. This happens when the person who is in-charge of taking care of the elder commits these acts. The person, instead of giving care, gives abuse.
Elderly abuse attorneys work for the elderly and their loved ones. These attorneys are responsible for taking care of a variety of legal matters concerning the disabled or an older person. Elder abuse lawyers deal with issues linked with Medicare/Medicaid, health care, long term care planning, retirement, guardianship, social security, and other crucial matters.
In one way or the other, elder law attorneys are “specialists” of the issues related to elders as it is their field of practice. They can handle complex matters related to financial and estate planning matters; in addition to that, they take care of day-to-day problems that impact the actual care of seniors, such as assisted living and life planning.
The financial abuse faced by the elderly means the illegal use of a person’s money or property. Many people fake the signatures of the elderly on a document or force them to sign a will, power of attorney, or deed. It also includes scams to take advantage of an elderly’s decreased physical ability or awareness to sort of financial benefit. There are elder abuse laws, but most elders are not aware of them.
Elderly people face medical abuse; unfortunately, it is quite common for them to face medical abuse. It includes incompetence to provide medical services and overlooking their basic care and needs. People above 60 are mostly reliant on medical providers, and many times, they are not able to help themselves. Many seniors are on multiple medications and require advanced nursing and medical assistance. Failure to provide these services can also be considered abuse. You should consult with a Medicare attorney in case you are facing medical abuse.
Physical abuse of an elder is more common than most people would think. Physical abuse is any force that results in injury or pain. Hitting, striking, beating, shoving, etc. comes under physical abuse. Tying down an elder with brutal restraints to limit his movement is also physical abuse. This can result in muscle atrophy. Black eyes, bruises, welts, cuts, broken bones, or other sorts of wounds can be considered physical abuse.
The elderly are easy targets for everyone because of their declining health and mental states. They often suffer from diseases like dementia, which causes them to lose their memory, and people around them are aware of their condition and take advantage. Seniors may also feel unwanted or lonely, which increases the need for attachment, even if it means sticking to an abusive caregiver.
Most of the time, elder abuse goes unreported because of embarrassment about the abuse as well as mental or physical inabilities of seniors. If you see elder abuse, whether it is done unintentionally or intentionally, you should report it. If you or your loved ones are going through elder abuse, then you should hire a nursing home attorney who can help you and guide you to seek justice.
Final Words
Elder abuse is quite common; it can be financial abuse, physical, emotional, or sexual. It is important to report such abuse.