With so much of digital liberty and potential in the hands of people, we have already accepted the strength of credit or debit cards. There is no way for a merchant to run the business without accepting payments through credit or debit cards. Although a credit card processing unit is required by all the merchants since it includes various features that are particularly necessary to high-risk merchants. Companies that are associated with high-risk usually have more than one merchant account. We are a leading PSP provider who is serving our clients all over the world. We provide International High-Risk Payment Gateway for merchants who are looking to expand their business to the international market.

Getting different acquiring banks can be a smart way to reduce risk. Acquiring banks can also make a huge difference to underwriting policies which means industries may longer be acceptable by a bank. While having multiple business account for your business can ensure that you will have uninterrupted payment processing for your business. Certainly, it gets difficult to manage multiple accounts if each account is associated with the gateway. However, getting a high-risk processor can be a one-stop solution to manage all your accounts under one. Multiple accounts can simply be managed from a central management system. They can be viewed individually, globally, or in combined form simplifying management, account handling, providing needy customer care service. A PSP that is helping you get a high-risk merchant account can also help you accommodate any number of domestic and international merchant accounts.

Load balancing is one of the most intrinsic features that automatically balance the volume of transactions occurring for your business. You can manually control the process. We at PayCly better understand the high and low involved in a business and hence come up with High-Risk Payment Gateway Provider that will allow you to manage all your business transactions.

Credit Card Processing for High–Risk Businesses

First, of all, you need to know whether you are a high-risk business or not? And how you will ever come to know that your business has been categorized high-risk? Banks or financial institutions may not provide you to have a merchant account because of the risk associated with your business. Moreover, acquiring bank or their executives can close your business account without any prior notice because of the high-risk factor associated with your business. Additionally, if you are getting high chargebacks for your business because of any no. of the reasons such as unhappy customers, vague websites, improper PSP systems, or any other reason, certainly you are not eligible for getting a merchant account facility. You are required to have a PSP provider can help you provide high-risk credit card processing which will allow your business to accept credit or debit card payments for your business.

Get along with the payment gateway to enjoy unlimited benefits

A PSP provides you the secure way out for your transactions that need to be transmitted through the bank networks. We at PayCly intend to provide backbone support to merchants that are dealing with high-risk business. Our processor can help in several different ways to optimize your business process. Here is the list of some of the attributes that can help you take your business to heights.

Level 1 PCI-DSS Compliance – You can easily have a high level of security standards that ensures that you are out of any potential threat like cybercrime or any other similar thing.  Secure your business and your customers.

Get expert advice in High Volume Processing– For processing high-volume of the transaction, a payment processor allows you with fast, reliable processing. Cutting-edge technology helps you ensure 100% throughput for optimal transaction processing.

Get secure payments – The gateway is a door to fraud protection, load balancing, efficient payment transactions, and various other features that will help you protect your merchant account while reducing processing risk.

Robust Cloud Reporting.  A processor also helps in providing you with quick access to all transactions. It also helps in making customizable management reports in a variety of formats.

Multiple accounts on a single platform– It will also provide you with a platform where you can add multiple accounts. An overview of all the payments and transactions for your business is available so that you can easily manage all merchant accounts from a single dashboard.

International Payment Gateways– If you are looking to expand your business then International gateways are perfect for targeting global customers.  You will also get different features such as multi-currency option and different mode of the payment transaction with International account.

Load Balancer– A load balancer will help you en route transactions to multiple payment processors on account of high or low volumes, products and several other criteria.

Recurring Billing– You will get unlimited customized recurring plans that is convenient for customers and profitable for you as well.

Fraud Detection Mechanism- A PSP threat detecting mechanism will allow you to identify any cybercrime that can responsible for any loss or harm to your company. It also enables you to accept good orders and deny any fraudulent transactions occurring for the business.

Easy access to Shopping Carts– A PSP allows you to access in-built features such as CRM, shopping carts, and accounting systems. It helps you save development time and money.

Hierarchical Access– The hierarchy in a system helps to manage it properly and keeps your business safe by enhancing internal security. It only authorizes the concerned person to do their respective job that is intended for that particular function.

These are some of the benefits that merchants can have if they allow a PSP to manage the business payments.

PayCly is one of the prominent merchant account service providers that are assisting merchants in getting smooth and flexible payment transactions for your business. We intend to associate with the merchant’s business so that we can better understand it and can come up with the best solutions required. We at PayCLy provides you with the High-Risk Payment Gateway services to merchants so they can easily accept payments for their product or services online.

Tags : 2D Payment Gateway, Payment Gateway Singapore, ACH Payment Processing, Payment Gateway IPTV, Travel Agency Merchant Account