Are you specific about your foot care? Do you think you take proper precautions to ensure that your health is good and safe? Maybe your foot is not your priority but it should be in your mind. There are different kinds of infections that might target your body and feet.
Have you ever heard about foot fungal infection? If you experience this infection, you must use Antifungal foot cream to get rid of it as soon as possible. There is no point of dodging it. What is the point in case fungal is getting all over the place? Well, it is common to get a fungal infection on toes or feet. Most of the fungal infections are activated by dermatophytes, an ailment -causing fungus that grows on body surfaces such as hair, skin, and nails.
Speaking of athlete’s foot, the most prevalent foot fungus flourishes in sweaty, warm places like insides of the athletic shoes that are how it derived its name. However, foot fungus can grow in different environments, natural and man-made, as long as there is so much of moisture or wetness where fungi can increase. These include shared areas at the gyms or pools, soil and grass, or even those shared items such as shoes, socks, or towels from household members who are undergoing infection.
Is this Issue Contagious?
Unfortunately, athlete’s foot is contagious and the fungus can effortlessly spread to the toenails and toes, activating infections. There are more than three million times of toenail fungus every year. Not all the toenail infections are from athlete’s foot or even that from any fungus; a few are triggered by mild or yeast. These are much challenging to cure than fungal infections. But you should you worry if you are using a fungal cream.
How Does Athlete Foot Appear?
Athlete’s foot appears as a flaking red rash on the sides or bottoms of the feet often accompanied by dry, itching or cracked skin, stinging, and even that of bad odour. You can also experience humid, raw skin between toes. Though athlete’s foot is quite easy to treat with anti-fungal creams or sprays, this foot fungus is somewhat transmissible and might easily spread to the toenails. The point is you need to start using a right cream or spray the moment you feel that your foot is going to experience a fungal infection.
Toe nail fungal
You could find a small white or yellow spot on the tip of the toenail and that too mainly the big toe. As the infection grows, the toenail can turn out to be yellow, brittle and even that of crumbly and dense and uneven-looking. In worst fungal infections, the toenail can separate from the nail bed. It is something known as onychosis. As fungal infections advances, the nail beds can turn out to be tender to the touch and somewhat painful.
So, the bottom line is that you must use antifungal cream for foot fungus and ensure that you get rid of this ailment as soon as you can. The more you keep it unattended, the difficult it gets to handle it.