If you are feeling a bit off physically and are having difficulty pinpointing exactly what could be the cause, you may have a sneaky suspicion of what it could be which is why you are reading this article. A person’s intuition is a powerful thing and it shouldn’t be overlooked. Wondering if you are pregnant is something most women will face in her lifetime. For those that are actively trying to conceive and those that aren’t, learning you are pregnant comes with a wide range of emotions from excitement to anxiety. Not every woman will exhibit symptoms of pregnancy but many do. Here are some common early signals that you could be with child. 

What Are The Early Signs Of Pregnancy?

The best way to determine if you are pregnant is to take an early detection pregnancy test. There are many affordable and reliable tests on the market that can detect the pregnancy hormone as early as 6 days before your missed period. Because women often find out they are pregnant by the time they are 4-7 weeks pregnant, it is important to know as soon as possible. Modern tests are much more sensitive and accurate which means that when they provide a positive reading, it is highly likely that you are pregnant.

If you get a positive result, it is best to see a doctor and have your pregnancy confirmed. For those that are actively trying to conceive, there are bulk tests that you can take each day that will help you detect ovulation as well as provide you with multiple test strips so you can test often.

Each woman is different and how her body reacts to pregnancy is unique for every female. A woman can even experience different symptoms from one pregnancy to the next. It is not uncommon to have multiple pregnancies that are widely different from each other. It is not unusual for a woman to experience many of the tell-tale signs of pregnancy when she is really experiencing another issue. If you are experiencing any of the following and you aren’t getting positive test results, you might want to see your doctor anyway to ensure there isn’t another issue affecting your health.


Listed below are some of the most frequently seen signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

Spotting and Cramping

If you are seeing light spotting and having cramping instead of a full menstrual cycle, it could be a sign that you have conceived. When the egg is fertilized, it attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the result of this process can be spotting and/or cramping. This sign can come on very early after fertilization. You may experience either of these symptoms as soon as 12 days after you have been impregnated. When this happens, it is called implantation bleeding.

Other discharge may also occur. If you see a thicker, white-colored excretion, that means that your vagina walls are thickening, something that happens almost instantly after fertilization. This discharge could cease for you or it can persist throughout your entire pregnancy and for the most part it is of no concern. Should it cause burning, itching, irritation, and be foul-smelling, then you may have a bacterial or yeast infection. The best way to confirm this and obtain the correct, and safest, treatment options is to see your doctor and get tested.

Breast Changes

Once pregnant, a woman’s hormone levels are evolving and changing very quickly. Changes in the breasts that are often an indicator of pregnancy include soreness, becoming swollen, and even a tingling sensation can develop. The areolas may also darken in color. It may be uncomfortable and off-putting at first, but as your body becomes acclimated to the changes that are happening and the hormones start to level out, many of these feelings in the breasts should become much less noticeable if eliminated altogether.

Intense Fatigue

Ask any woman who has been pregnant before or is currently in the early stages of pregnancy and she will tell you that she is overwhelmingly tired. The immense feeling of exhaustion is a very early sign of pregnancy. If you are pregnant and this is why you are experiencing an extraordinary level of fatigue, testing to see if your pregnant is highly advisable. If you are, love your body and your new little one who is developing. Give yourself as much rest as you can and begin eating protein-rich foods with iron, and start taking a quality prenatal if you haven’t begun.


Probably the most well-known symptom of pregnancy next to missed periods, also called morning sickness, nausea isn’t just held for when the sun comes up. Women who experience nausea as related to pregnancy can feel it any time of day or night, in response to sight or smell (which are more sensitive during pregnancy), and it can last all day in the worst cases.

The intensity of nausea varies across the board for women, some may have mild aversions that turn their stomach while others can have a severe case. If you have severe nausea in response to pregnancy, it is difficult to get the nutrition you need because it is difficult to eat anything. It is important, however, that you try to get in as much high-quality nutrition as possible. Your baby needs to have plenty of nourishment to support this critical early stage of development. Speak with your doctor if you are struggling with your diet and they can provide you options and advice to help. 

Missed Period

Some women are very regular and consistent with when their period comes; it is as reliable as the clock. Others can have a period that is erratic and unpredictable. If your period just doesn’t come, though, testing for pregnancy is probably the first thing you should do. It could be something else that is causing you to miss your period but you can easily get an answer fast through one of the many pregnancy tests out there.

In addition to these signs, there are also others that can indicate pregnancy including:

  • Mood swings
  • Bloating 
  • Constipation
  • High blood pressure and dizziness
  • Unexplained weight gains
  • “Pregnancy Glow”
  • Acne