The learning process for employees does not stop the day they are hired. On the contrary, it is the start of continuous learning and relearning as technology and techniques continue to change. Most companies who recognise the importance of their employees in the success of their business invest not only in their compensation but skill training as well.
In a 2018 report representing a broad spectrum of industries and company sizes, a total of $87.6 billion is spent on training expenses of various platforms, a third of which is on online training.
Some training courses are better off done face-to-face, but the advantages of online training in many situations are undeniable. Innovations in digital technology have made eLearning an effective and cost-efficient delivery method for employee capability building.
Lower budget requirement
With eLearning, there is no need to stop operations and lose potential income in order to conduct training. Employees can each set aside a portion of their time to take the training at their discretion, which would depend on their role in the company.
There is also no need to set aside a budget for employee transportation, function room and equipment rental, meals and snacks, and other similar expenses. In a company with hundreds or thousands of employees, this could lead to significant savings.
Global reach for big companies
For companies with a global presence, setting up an eLearning platform is an effective way to ensure that skill training across multiple sites is standardized and continuously delivered. It is a systematic way to guarantee that all workers have access to the latest training materials and the current best approach of the company. This way, each employee will have an equal opportunity for career growth, regardless of their location or function. They will be appreciative of the investment made on them and be more motivated to give their best.
Subject matter experts from different sites can also collaborate and share ideas, making sure that the content of the online training is the best and most relevant to both the workers and the company.
Convenience for all players
The training materials for eLearning are usually centralized, which means they are easier to manage than physical documents or equipment. Instructors and other subject matter experts can just update the training resources as new information, and better techniques are discovered.
It is also easier to integrate various methods and modules for training such as videos and animations, giving way for a more creative approach in stimulating and maintaining the interest of trainees and achieving a higher compliance rate. In addition, there is no need to synchronize the schedule of the instructors with those of the trainees. Both can access the eLearning content as needed without waiting for other people to become available.
The convenience that eLearning affords is especially helpful for mandatory and compliance training, which are conducted regularly. Some examples of this are safety training such as handling fire hazards, or regulatory training such as information security.
Successful employees for a successful company
The employee is the company’s best asset, and the company can only go as far as their employees do. That is why continuous skill training and updating of their capability is paramount to most organizations. Online training is an effective way to put them in the best position to achieve success, which is the common goal of both the employee and the company.