A steady downfall in the number of youngsters that believed in God was observed since the year 2005, 20 to 20 percent of the population of the millennial was found to be atheist according to a recent research done by the CheapEssayWriters, which says that religion is a fact that keeps us near to God and makes us do well for the whole society. As the discussion above a revealed that a pattern of unfairness is being followed in the United States these days and that the people and elite, in specific, are turning out to be greedy and selfish and a pattern of harsh capitalism is also seen in the society.
The people of the society, despite of wanting the pattern to end and to transform the society are unable to do so as the new structure has been brought in by the elites and huge institutions of the society. The socialism is seen on the upper level of the society and the rest of the society has been bombarded with harsh capitalism for their own interests.
As the people want change in the structure, a society in which the opportunities and facilities are being provided in accordance with the merit of the people, this could only be done if the elite class of the society wants to bring a change in structure, which is apparently resisting to change. If the system of socialism is spread in the whole society, the structure would definitely change and the people would be satisfied again. It has been observed that the opposition is coming from the elite class as it would have to lose all its facilities and give up their wealth which they have earned by doing nothing.
The other reason to it is that the Christians from the society are gradually declining. There are fewer number of Christians in the American society as ever and most of the people are atheist. And those who are Christians are far away from the idea of classic society. America has always been seen as a wide open society. To bring in the changes in the structure of the American society, the leaders and the elite must be given knowledge of about the classic society. Along with that, the preachers must try to bring people back to the religion as the concept of having one God is declining in the American society gradually. A culture which has strategies that comply with the religion must be introduced in the society. A society where people are being treated fairly, despite of their status, class, race and religions.