We are atExpertasia Bully Camp, we providebothgroup and individual dog training chiang mai courses.
During our dog trainingclasses, we focus onsociability and obedience.
Dog education
The education system is a key toolfor learning essentialknowledge andskills.
Do youhave any idea?
Just like everyhuman in the worldis unique in their fingerprints, everydogalso has a distinctnose.
Every child hasto betaught in order toacquire essential knowledge and skills. Dogsmust alsobetaughttobe able to integrate well withinits social circle on theone hand,and inyourown family and communityin the second.
Educating a dog is learningto look at it, tobe aware of it, to loveit,and to comprehendit.
Totrain a dogmutual respect is required.
The language of dogs is unique to them.You can learntocommunicate with dogs throughourqualified and experienceddog professionals.
Our dog training courses
If it’s a puppyor an adult dog,every learning process must be completedin a way that is progressive.
Individual dog training classes
The first time you attend class,we willanalyze your currentrelationshiptogether with the dog.During this time, an educationmethod will be devised.In the following, the dog willbeincorporated intoour group classes(maximum5dogsonout in the field).
Group lessons
A dog becomes socialized byengaging with other dogs andunderstanding their cues through words andbody language.Socialization for pupsbegins in the firstlitter.They will then begin to interactwith other dogs, as well asfamily members and other humans. Thetime to socializean animal can last for up to twomonths.During this time weteachsocial skills and positive interactionwithhumans and dogs.
Various games and canine exerciseswill be used to improvetherelationship between thedog and its owner.This way, theydevelop sociability andobedience.
Sociability & Games
In the beginning, we will playasetof gameswithyour dogat the beginning ofindividual lessons.Then we will build thismore in smaller groups. Wepay particularattention to yourdogin these classes. Weprovide aatmosphere where dogs feelat ease, secureandloved. Ourprimary goal is:
The foundation of obedience isrelationships between you andyourcompanion. It istaught and learnedby establishing a pleasantandlovingbond with you dog. We rewardthem withfood, toys , and appealinggames.The goal is his well-beingas well as a strong bondbetween him and your.