With the burgeoning popularity of Japanese Manga, the enthusiasm of global Manga enthusiasts has surged. One burgeoning trend among Manga lovers is reading Manga in its raw, original, untranslated version. As we’re in 2024, the question arises— where can you opt to read Manga raw? Here are some of the leading platforms to do so.

  1. Comico (https://www.comico.jp/): Without a doubt, Comico is one of the most prominent platforms to read Manga raw. The site has a plethora of Manga from various genres- from romance to action and fantasy. The platform also comprises a number of webtoon-style Manga, which are full-colored and in a long strip format, making them quite aesthetically pleasing.


  1. Comic Pixiv (https://comic.pixiv.net/): Pixiv is customarily known for its art-sharing platform, but its comic-branch—Comic Pixiv—is gradually making a name for itself. Mangakas directly upload their Manga here, guaranteed to provide you with the raw experience you crave.

  2. Young Jump (https://yanjan.jp/): Young Jump provides an excellent collection of seinen Manga raw content. The platform continuous updates with new chapters and series, keeping Manga fans engaged.

  3. COMIC Meteor (https://comic-meteor.jp/): This website offers a variety of Manga series that are updated frequently. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  4. Raw4jp (https://raw4jp.com/): This website offers a variety of Manga series that are updated frequently. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate.


However, be mindful that these websites are in Japanese. If you’re a non-Japanese reader, you can use various translator plugins, such as Google Chrome’s built-in translator, to understand the site’s navigation.

Reading raw Manga creates a direct interaction between readers and the manga’s original context, without the filter of translation. It’s quite an engaging way of embracing not only the Manga culture but also the Japanese language.


Remember that while reading Manga raw, to support the creators by purchasing the physical copies or the Kindle version whenever possible. So, let’s dive into the world of raw Manga with these platforms, and revel in the narrative treasure that is untranslated, uncensored, and purely original Manga.