Affiliate marketing has emerged as a lucrative avenue for entrepreneurs seeking to monetize their online presence. In Malaysia, the affiliate marketing landscape is vibrant and brimming with opportunities across various industries. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a budding entrepreneur, aligning with the right affiliate program can significantly boost your revenue streams and propel your business forward. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top 10 Malaysia affiliate programs for 2024, uncovering their offerings, advantages, and potential drawbacks to help you make informed decisions and embark on a journey towards entrepreneurial success.

Introduction to Malaysia Affiliate Programs

Affiliate marketing entails promoting products or services of other companies and earning commissions for successful referrals or sales. It serves as a symbiotic relationship between merchants and affiliates, where affiliates leverage their online platforms to drive traffic and conversions for merchants in exchange for monetary rewards. Malaysia, with its burgeoning digital economy and thriving e-commerce sector, presents a fertile ground for affiliate marketers to thrive.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

At its core, affiliate marketing operates on the principle of performance-based compensation, where affiliates are rewarded based on their contribution to the merchant’s bottom line. This model offers a win-win scenario, as merchants benefit from increased sales and brand exposure, while affiliates monetize their online influence or marketing efforts.

Significance of Malaysia Affiliate Programs

Malaysia’s affiliate programs cater to a diverse range of industries, including e-commerce, gaming, digital marketing, and more. These programs not only offer lucrative commission structures but also provide affiliates with valuable resources, marketing tools, and support to maximise their earnings potential. By tapping into Malaysia’s affiliate ecosystem, entrepreneurs can leverage the country’s growing digital market and establish profitable partnerships with reputable brands.

1. BK8 Affiliates

Embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of online gaming with BK8 Affiliates. As a leading platform in the realm of iGaming, BK8 Affiliates offers affiliates the opportunity to capitalise on the burgeoning online gambling industry in Malaysia. With a diverse portfolio of casino games, sports betting options, and live dealer experiences, BK8 caters to a broad audience of gaming enthusiasts.

BK8 Affiliates prides itself on its lucrative commission structures, allowing affiliates to earn substantial rewards for driving traffic and conversions. Additionally, BK8 Affiliates provides affiliates with a comprehensive suite of marketing tools, including banners, landing pages, and tracking links, to optimise their promotional efforts. With a dedicated affiliate management team and responsive support system, affiliates can navigate the intricacies of the iGaming industry with confidence.


  1. Lucrative Commission Structures: BK8 Affiliates offers competitive commission rates, ensuring that affiliates are duly rewarded for their marketing efforts.
  2. Diverse Range of Marketing Tools: Affiliates have access to a plethora of marketing materials and resources to enhance their promotional campaigns.
  3. Strong Customer Support: BK8 Affiliates provides affiliates with responsive customer support, addressing queries and concerns in a timely manner.


  1. Limited Market Reach: Due to regulatory restrictions in certain jurisdictions, BK8 Affiliates may have limited market reach compared to other affiliate programs.
  2. Stringent Compliance Regulations: Affiliates must adhere to strict compliance regulations governing online gambling, which may pose challenges in certain regions.

2. eBay Partner Network

Dive into the dynamic world of e-commerce with eBay Partner Network, a trusted affiliate program that connects affiliates with millions of products and sellers worldwide. eBay’s expansive marketplace offers affiliates unparalleled opportunities to monetise their online platforms through product recommendations, promotional campaigns, and targeted advertising.

eBay Partner Network boasts global brand recognition and a vast product inventory, making it an attractive choice for affiliates seeking to tap into the lucrative e-commerce market. Affiliates can choose from a diverse range of product categories, from electronics and fashion to collectables and antiques, catering to a broad spectrum of consumer interests.


  1. Global Brand Recognition: eBay’s established brand presence and reputation instil trust and credibility among consumers, enhancing conversion rates for affiliates.
  2. Varied Product Selection: With millions of products listed on eBay, affiliates have access to a diverse range of items to promote, ensuring relevance to their target audience.
  3. Flexible Payment Options: eBay Partner Network offers flexible payment options, including PayPal, direct deposit, and cheque, providing affiliates with convenient payout methods.


  1. Competitive Commission Rates: The competitive nature of the e-commerce market may result in lower commission rates compared to niche-specific affiliate programs.
  2. Complex Reporting System: eBay’s reporting system can be complex and overwhelming for affiliates, requiring time and effort to navigate and interpret data effectively.


Revolutionise your digital marketing strategies with, an all-in-one marketing platform designed to empower entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. From sales funnels and email marketing automation to membership sites and affiliate management, offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline and optimise your online business operations. stands out for its intuitive user interface and user-friendly features, making it accessible to beginners and seasoned marketers alike. Affiliates can leverage’s robust automation capabilities to automate repetitive tasks, nurture leads, and drive conversions effectively. With affordable pricing plans and a wealth of educational resources, empowers affiliates to succeed in the competitive digital landscape.


  1. Intuitive User Interface:’s user-friendly interface simplifies the process of creating and managing marketing campaigns, reducing the learning curve for affiliates.
  2. Comprehensive Marketing Automation: Affiliates can automate various aspects of their marketing efforts, including email sequences, sales funnels, and lead generation, to maximise efficiency and ROI.
  3. Affordable Pricing Plans: offers competitive pricing plans tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs and small businesses, ensuring accessibility and value for money.


  1. Limited Integration Options: While integrates with popular third-party tools and platforms, its integration options may be limited compared to more established marketing platforms.
  2. Learning Curve for Beginners: Despite its user-friendly interface, newcomers to digital marketing may still encounter a learning curve when navigating’s features and functionalities.

4. Urikar

Embark on a journey of wellness and fitness with Urikar, a leading brand specialising in high-quality massage guns designed to enhance recovery, alleviate muscle tension, and improve overall well-being. Urikar’s innovative products combine cutting-edge technology with ergonomic design, offering users a premium massage experience from the comfort of their homes.

Urikar’s affiliate program presents an enticing opportunity for affiliates operating in the health and wellness niche. With a focus on premium product quality and customer satisfaction, Urikar provides affiliates with a compelling value proposition to promote to their audience. Affiliates can capitalise on Urikar’s niche market appeal and strong brand reputation to drive conversions and earn competitive commissions.


  1. Premium Product Quality: Urikar’s massage guns are crafted using high-quality materials and advanced technology, ensuring durability, performance, and user satisfaction.
  2. Attractive Affiliate Commissions: Affiliates can earn generous commissions for promoting Urikar’s products, incentivising them to actively promote the brand and drive sales.
  3. Niche Market Appeal: Urikar’s focus on health and wellness appeals to a niche audience passionate about fitness, recovery, and holistic well-being, enhancing conversion rates for affiliates.


  1. Limited Product Range: Urikar’s product portfolio may be relatively limited compared to larger brands in the health and wellness industry, potentially limiting the variety of products affiliates can promote.
  2. Market Saturation in Fitness Industry: The health and wellness market is highly competitive, with numerous brands vying for consumer attention. Affiliates may face challenges in standing out amidst the saturation and differentiating Urikar from competitors.

5. Amazon Associates

Join forces with the e-commerce giant through Amazon Associates, one of the world’s largest affiliate programs offering affiliates access to millions of products across various categories. With Amazon’s extensive product inventory, competitive pricing, and trusted brand reputation, affiliates can monetise their online platforms by recommending products to their audience and earning commissions on qualifying purchases.

Amazon Associates leverages Amazon’s global reach and established infrastructure to provide affiliates with a seamless and lucrative affiliate marketing experience. Affiliates can choose from a vast selection of products to promote, ranging from consumer electronics and household essentials to books and apparel. With Amazon’s robust tracking and reporting tools, affiliates can track their performance, optimise their campaigns, and maximise their earnings potential.


  1. Vast Product Inventory: Amazon’s extensive product catalogue encompasses millions of items, ensuring affiliates can find products relevant to their audience’s interests and preferences.
  2. Trusted Brand Reputation: Amazon’s reputation as a reliable and customer-centric e-commerce platform instils trust and confidence in consumers, resulting in higher conversion rates for affiliates.
  3. Timely Payments: Amazon Associates offers timely and reliable payments, ensuring affiliates receive their commissions promptly and efficiently.


  1. Commission Structure Changes: Amazon frequently adjusts its commission rates and policies, potentially impacting affiliates’ earnings and requiring them to adapt their strategies accordingly.
  2. Cookie Duration Limitations: Amazon’s cookie duration is relatively short compared to other affiliate programs, limiting the window for affiliates to earn commissions on referred purchases.

6. Hostinger

Empower your online presence with Hostinger, a leading web hosting provider offering affordable and reliable hosting solutions for individuals and businesses worldwide. Hostinger’s affiliate program enables affiliates to earn commissions by promoting its hosting services, domain registrations, and other products, catering to the growing demand for reliable web hosting solutions.

Hostinger stands out for its competitive commission rates, reliable hosting services, and comprehensive affiliate support, making it an attractive choice for affiliates in the web hosting niche. Affiliates can leverage Hostinger’s brand reputation and feature-rich hosting plans to attract customers and drive conversions. With dedicated affiliate support and marketing resources, Hostinger equips affiliates with the tools and assistance they need to succeed in the competitive web hosting market.


  1. Competitive Commission Rates: Hostinger offers generous commission rates for affiliates, providing a lucrative earning opportunity for those promoting its hosting services.
  2. Reliable Hosting Services: Hostinger’s hosting solutions boast high uptime, fast loading speeds, and robust security features, ensuring a positive experience for customers and affiliates alike.
  3. Marketing Support and Resources: Hostinger provides affiliates with marketing materials, tracking tools, and dedicated support to help them maximise their promotional efforts and earnings potential.


  1. High Competition in Hosting Industry: The web hosting industry is highly competitive, with numerous providers vying for market share. Affiliates may face challenges in standing out amidst the competition and attracting customers to Hostinger’s services.
  2. Customer Support Challenges: While Hostinger offers reliable hosting services, some affiliates may encounter challenges with customer support responsiveness or quality, which can impact their ability to promote the brand effectively.

7. Shopify

Fuel your entrepreneurial dreams with Shopify, a comprehensive e-commerce platform empowering merchants to create, launch, and scale their online stores with ease. Shopify’s affiliate program offers affiliates the opportunity to earn commissions by referring merchants to its platform, tapping into the growing e-commerce market and entrepreneurial spirit of aspiring business owners.

Shopify’s user-friendly interface, scalable solutions, and extensive app marketplace make it an ideal choice for affiliates seeking to promote e-commerce solutions. Affiliates can showcase Shopify’s features, such as customizable storefronts, secure payment gateways, and marketing tools, to attract merchants and drive sign-ups. With dedicated affiliate support and a transparent commission structure, Shopify provides affiliates with the resources and incentives to succeed in the competitive e-commerce landscape.


  1. Scalable Platform Solutions: Shopify offers scalable e-commerce solutions suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to enterprise-level enterprises, providing affiliates with a broad target audience.
  2. Extensive App Marketplace: Shopify’s app marketplace boasts thousands of apps and integrations, allowing merchants to enhance their stores’ functionality and customise their online presence, resulting in higher conversion rates for affiliates.
  3. Dedicated Affiliate Support: Shopify provides affiliates with dedicated support, resources, and incentives to help them succeed in promoting its platform and driving referrals.


  1. Subscription Costs for Users: While Shopify offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate different budgets, some merchants may find the subscription costs prohibitive, potentially limiting the pool of potential customers for affiliates.
  2. Customisation Complexity for Beginners: Shopify’s extensive customization options and features may be overwhelming for novice users, requiring time and effort to learn and implement effectively, which can impact affiliates’ ability to attract and retain customers.

8. Shopee Partners

Ride the wave of e-commerce success with Shopee Partners, the affiliate program offered by one of Asia’s largest online marketplaces. Shopee’s expansive platform connects buyers and sellers across various categories, including electronics, fashion, beauty, and more, providing affiliates with ample opportunities to monetise their online platforms and drive sales.

Shopee Partners leverages Shopee’s regional market dominance, user-friendly interface, and prominent brand visibility to offer affiliates a lucrative affiliate marketing opportunity. Affiliates can promote Shopee’s vast product catalogue, exclusive deals, and promotional campaigns to their audience, capitalising on the platform’s popularity and consumer trust. With Shopee’s robust tracking and reporting tools, affiliates can monitor their performance, optimise their campaigns, and maximise their earnings potential.


  1. Regional Market Dominance: Shopee’s strong presence in Southeast Asia and other regions positions it as a leading online marketplace, offering affiliates access to a vast and diverse customer base.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Shopee’s intuitive platform and mobile app make it easy for users to browse, shop, and discover new products, resulting in higher conversion rates for affiliates.
  3. Prominent Brand Visibility: Shopee’s extensive marketing efforts, including advertising campaigns, brand partnerships, and sponsored events, increase brand visibility and consumer awareness, enhancing affiliates’ ability to attract and convert customers.


  1. Commission Variability: Shopee’s commission rates may vary depending on product categories, promotional campaigns, and other factors, impacting affiliates’ earnings and profitability.
  2. Limited Seller Support: Some affiliates may encounter challenges with Shopee’s seller support, such as delayed responses or limited assistance, which can affect their ability to address customer inquiries or concerns effectively.

9. Databox

Harness the power of data-driven insights with Databox, a leading analytics platform offering affiliates the opportunity to promote its suite of analytics and reporting tools to businesses and marketers. Databox’s intuitive dashboards, customizable reports, and performance tracking features empower users to make informed decisions and drive business growth.

Databox’s affiliate program appeals to affiliates with an interest in data analytics, marketing automation, and business intelligence. Affiliates can showcase Databox’s features, such as real-time data visualization, goal tracking, and automated reporting, to attract businesses seeking to streamline their analytics processes and improve performance. With competitive commission rates and a range of promotional materials, Databox provides affiliates with the resources and incentives to succeed in promoting its platform.


  1. Customizable Dashboards: Databox offers customizable dashboards that allow users to track key metrics, KPIs, and performance indicators in real-time, providing valuable insights and actionable intelligence.
  2. Seamless Data Integration: Databox integrates with a wide range of data sources and platforms, including Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Facebook Ads, enabling users to aggregate data from multiple sources and gain holistic insights into their marketing efforts.
  3. Performance Tracking Features: Databox provides users with advanced performance tracking features, such as goal tracking, alerts, and notifications, allowing businesses to monitor their progress towards objectives and take proactive measures to drive success.


  1. Complex Pricing Structure: Databox’s pricing structure may be complex and confusing for some users, with different pricing tiers, add-ons, and usage limits impacting affordability and scalability for businesses.
  2. Steep Learning Curve: Despite its intuitive interface, Databox may have a steep learning curve for users unfamiliar with data analytics and reporting tools, requiring time and effort to master its features and functionalities effectively.

10. CJ Affiliate

Join the ranks of successful affiliates with CJ Affiliate, a global leader in affiliate marketing solutions. Formerly known as Commission Junction, CJ Affiliate boasts an extensive network of advertisers and publishers, offering a diverse range of products and services to promote and monetise. With its robust platform, advanced tracking technology, and dedicated support, CJ Affiliate empowers affiliates to maximise their earnings and achieve their business goals.

CJ Affiliate stands out for its vast advertiser network, which includes renowned brands across various industries such as retail, travel, finance, and technology. Affiliates can tap into CJ Affiliate’s expansive catalogue of advertisers to find relevant products and services to promote to their audience, ensuring alignment with their niche and interests. Whether you’re a seasoned affiliate marketer or a newcomer to the industry, CJ Affiliate provides the tools, resources, and opportunities to thrive in the competitive world of affiliate marketing.


  1. Global Advertiser Network: CJ Affiliate’s network comprises thousands of advertisers from around the world, offering affiliates access to a diverse range of products and services to promote across different verticals.
  2. Advanced Tracking Technology: CJ Affiliate’s advanced tracking technology ensures accurate and reliable tracking of affiliate referrals and commissions, providing transparency and accountability for affiliates and advertisers alike.
  3. Dedicated Support: CJ Affiliate offers dedicated support to affiliates, providing assistance with account setup, campaign optimization, and troubleshooting, ensuring a positive and seamless experience for users.


  1. Approval Process: CJ Affiliate’s approval process for new affiliates can be rigorous, requiring applicants to meet certain criteria and adhere to quality standards, which may delay entry into the platform.
  2. Commission Payout Thresholds: CJ Affiliate imposes minimum payout thresholds for affiliates to receive their earnings, which may require affiliates to reach a certain level of commissions before being eligible for payment, affecting cash flow for some affiliates.


In the bustling landscape of affiliate marketing, Malaysia offers a plethora of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. From e-commerce giants to niche-focused brands, the top 10 affiliate programs for 2024 present a diverse array of options catering to various interests and industries. Whether you’re delving into gaming, e-commerce, or digital marketing, these programs pave the way for lucrative partnerships and entrepreneurial success.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is affiliate marketing, and how do affiliate programs work?

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services of other companies and earning commissions for successful referrals or sales. Affiliate programs provide affiliates with unique tracking links to monitor sales and commissions.

How do I choose the right affiliate program for my niche?

Consider factors such as the relevance of products/services to your audience, commission rates, cookie duration, affiliate support/resources, and the reputation of the brand.

Do I need a website to participate in affiliate marketing?

While having a website can enhance your affiliate marketing efforts, it’s not always necessary. Many affiliate programs offer alternative promotion methods such as social media marketing, email marketing, or content creation platforms. However, a website can provide a central hub for your affiliate links and content.