Sharing our living spaces with wildlife can be an enchanting experience, but when it comes to possums, things can quickly turn problematic. These nocturnal creatures, often found nesting in hollow trees or man-made structures, can cause havoc in our homes and gardens. From territorial behavior to noise disturbance and property damage, possums can become quite a nuisance. But fear not! In this ultimate guide, we will explore safe and effective methods for removing possums while ensuring a peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Understanding Possum Behavior and Habits

Before diving into the world of possum removal, it’s essential to understand the species commonly found in your region. In North America, the Virginia opossum is prevalent, while Australia boasts various possum species, including the brushtail and ringtail possums.

Possums are primarily nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active during the night. They enjoy nesting in hollow trees, but due to urbanization, they often seek shelter in man-made structures like attics or sheds. Understanding their habits will help us devise Possum Removal Melbourne strategies for their removal.

Identifying Possum Infestations

Now that we know what we’re dealing with, it’s crucial to identify whether you have a possum infestation in your vicinity. There are several signs to look out for:

1. Scratching Noises: If you hear skittering or scratching sounds, especially at night, it might indicate possum activity. They can be quite noisy when moving through your home’s walls, roofs, or ceilings.

2. Droppings: Possum droppings are similar in size and shape to dog or cat feces, but they are typically twisted and segmented.

3. Property Damage: Possums have a knack for nibbling on almost anything. Keep an eye out for chewed wires, damaged insulation, torn garden plants, or strewn garbage bins.

Ethical Approaches to Possum Removal

When it comes to possum removal, ethical considerations are of utmost importance. Possums are protected wildlife in many regions, and it is our responsibility to ensure safe and humane removal methods that do not harm these creatures. Here are some ethical approaches to consider:

1. Seek Professional Assistance: In some jurisdictions, it is illegal to handle possum removal without professional help. Consulting wildlife removal specialists ensures compliance with legal regulations, proper assessment of the infestation severity, and the safe relocation of possums to suitable habitats.

2. Alternative Measures: If the possum issue is not severe, you can try alternative methods before seeking professional help. These include habitat modification and exclusion techniques. By making your property less attractive to possums, you encourage them to move elsewhere. Consider installing motion-activated lights, sprinklers, or using possum-repellent plants around your property.

Seeking Professional Assistance

When it comes to complex possum infestations, involving wildlife removal specialists is your best bet. These experts possess the knowledge and skills required to handle the situation safely and effectively.

Here’s what you can expect from professional possum removal services:

1. Assessment: Wildlife removal specialists will assess the extent of the possum infestation and identify entry points and nesting areas.

2. Legal Compliance: Professionals are familiar with local regulations concerning possum removal. They ensure that all necessary permits and licenses are obtained before proceeding with the removal process.

3. Removal and Relocation: Wildlife specialists have the expertise to safely capture and relocate possums to suitable habitats. They use non-lethal traps and handle the animals with care, ensuring their well-being throughout the process.

DIY Possum Removal Techniques

If you’re experiencing a minor possum issue and are confident in your abilities, you may consider some DIY possum removal techniques. Here’s how to go about it:

1. Exclusion Techniques: Identify the entry points possums use to access your property and seal them off. Close off any gaps or cracks in your home’s exterior, and install possum-proofing measures like chimney caps or mesh screens on vents and openings.

2. Humane Traps: Construct and set up humane traps to capture possums. A common method involves creating a wooden box trap with a one-way entry door. Bait the trap with fruits like apples or bananas, and once captured, release the possum in a suitable habitat far away from your home.

Prevention and Possum-Proofing Measures

Prevention is key when it comes to possums. By implementing possum-proofing measures, you can deter them from frequenting your property. Here are some ideas:

1. Possum-Repellent Plants: Choose plants that possums find unappetizing and incorporate them into your garden. Some examples include lavender, rosemary, and daffodils.

2. Securing Garbage Bins: Keep garbage bins tightly closed or secured with bungee cords to prevent possums from accessing food sources.

3. Trim Trees: Trim branches that provide easy access to your roof or attic. Keeping trees away from structures makes it more challenging for possums to enter.


Possums may be cute and intriguing creatures, but when they invade our living spaces, action needs to be taken. With a firm understanding of possum behavior, ethical removal methods, and effective prevention measures, we can ensure a harmonious coexistence with wildlife. Remember, when it comes to possum removal, always prioritize the safety and well-being of both humans and these protected creatures. Together, we can find the perfect balance and bid those pesky possums farewell, gone in a whisker!